The Incarnate Word.

Volume 07 Issue 01

$ 10.00

  • The consciousness of self [prise de conscience] of the rights of the human person
    Fr. Julio Meinvielle, Ph.D., S.T.D.
  • Some Thoughts on Freedom in St. Thomas Aquinas According to Cornelio Fabro
    Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer, IVE, Ph.l
  • Ens as Transcendental in the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas
    Fr. Alwin Anbu, IVE, Ph.D
  • The Difference Between Aquinas and Kant in the Approach to Human Understanding
    Fr. Andres Ayala, IVE, Ph.D
  • The Essence of Thomism According to Cornelio Fabro
    Fr. Alberto Barattero, IVE, Ph.D
  • Jeffrey C. Kalb Jr.; Existence and Subsistence in St. Thomas Aquinas: Against Gilsonian Metaphysics
  • Arturo Ruiz Freites; “In principio Dio creò.” Trattato Teologico De Deo Creante. Guida allo studio della Somma di Teologia di S. Tommaso I, 44-49 econfronto con il pensiero di Teilhard e di Rahner
  • Umberto Castiello; La mente delle piante: Introduzione alla psicologia vegetale
  • Daniel L. Rentfro Jr.; The Law of Freedom: Justice and Mercy in the Practice of Law
  • Juan José Sanguineti; Neuroscienza e filosofia dell’uomo
  • Richard Peddicord, O.P.; The Sacred Monster of Thomism: An Introduction to the Life and Legacy of Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P