The Incarnate Word.

Volume 06 Issue 02

$ 10.00

  • The Liberation of the Human Person
    Fr. Julio Meinvielle, Ph.D., S.T.D.
    “Full of grace and truth” (John 1:14): The Fullness of Knowledge in Christ and His Progressive Knowledge
    Fr. Gustavo Andres Ayala, IVE, Ph.D.
  • Unending Discussion of an Already Solved Problem: The Mind-Brain Dialectic
    Sr. Maria de la Resurreción del Castillo, SSVM, Ph.L.
  • A Reply to America: The Church in the Face of Communism and The Church in the Face of Socialism
    Carlos Alberto Sacheri
  • The Mystery of the Soul in the Christian Message
    Fr. Cornelio Fabro, CSS, Ph.D., S.T.D.
  • Ignacio Andereggen; Theologia Moderna: Raices filosóficas
  • Donald Boland; Economic Science and St. Thomas Aquinas: On justice in the distribution and exchange of wealth
  • Anton ten Klooster; Thomas Aquinas on the Beatitudes: Reading Matthew, Disputing Grace and Virtue, Preaching Happiness
  • Jan-Heiner Tück; A Gift of Presence: The Theology and Poetry of the Eucharist in Thomas Aquinas