The Incarnate Word.

Volume 04 Issue 02

$ 10.00

  • Avicenna and the Divine Knowledge of Particulars
    Cornelio Fabro
  • Fabrian Analysis of the “Ich Denke überhaupt” of Immanuel Kant
  • Alberto Barattero, IVE
  • The Biblical Senses According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, in the Light of his Theology of Sign and Reality, or “Sacramentum,” “Verba,” and “Res”
    Arturo A. Ruiz Freites, IVE
  • Contemporary Views on The Essence of the Human Being
  • Patricia I. Pintado
  • Use and Abuse of Analogy and Metaphor in Scientific Explanation
    Jude P. Dougherty
  • Father Cornelio Fabro: a model for the renewal of Catholic theology
    Marcelo Navarro, IVE
  • Esegesi Tomistica, by Cornelio Fabro.
  • Aquinas on Virtue: A Causal Reading, by Nicholas Austin
  • Banalità del Male?: Tommaso d’Aquino e Hannah Arendt a Confronto, by Vincenzo Serpe.
  • Existing Before God: Søren Kierkegaard and the Human Venture, by Paul R. Sponheim.
  • Dieu, « Celui qui est » (De Deo ut uno), by Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P.
  • Thomas Aquinas: A Historical and Philosophical Profile, by Pasquale Porro